Custom Google: EPiServer Developer Search

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Once again Google has (beta) released a cool utility based on their global search. This time it's the long-awaited custom search feature, that allows anybody to easily build their own vertical search portal, searching just the sites they find relevant.

So far, I've often ended up going to Google when looking for tips, tricks and code samples related to EPiServer - or when I've been troubleshooting an EPiServer specific problem. This has often helped me find the right solution - but now it does it even better. I've created my own custom EPiServer Developer Search in Google - that'll search all my favorite sources of relevant developer information on the web.

And yes, you can also try it out here: or just perform a search in this gadget:


If anyone feels like they should help me improve this search, send me a mail with suggestions to other sites to index - or simply your google login and I'll add you as contributor.

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