Fun with the Mapped Page Provider

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Here’s two more small code samples I did in less than 30 min. based on the Mapped Page Provider.


Filesystem Page Provider

This provider will expose folder on the file-system as pages in EPiServer CMS 5 R2.

public class FileProvider : MappedPageProvider
    private string rootFolder;
    public override void Initialize(string name, System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection config)
        base.Initialize(name, config);
        rootFolder = config["rootFolder"];
    protected override List<string> GetRootChildren()
        return Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(rootFolder).ToList();
    protected override List<string> GetChildren(string Key)
        if (Directory.Exists(Key))
            return Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(Key).ToList();
        else return new List<string>();
    protected override EPiServer.Core.PageData GetPage(string Key)
        PageData pd = new PageData();
        string parentK = Path.GetDirectoryName(Key);
        if (parentK == rootFolder) parentK = null;
        FileSystemInfo fsi;
        if (Directory.Exists(Key)) fsi = new DirectoryInfo(Key);
        else fsi = new FileInfo(Key);
        base.InitializePageData(pd, Key, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Key), parentK);
        SetPageStatus(pd, VersionStatus.Published);
        if (File.Exists(Key) && (Path.GetExtension(Key).ToLower().EndsWith("txt")))
            StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(Key);
            string s = sr.ReadToEnd();
            pd.SetValue("MainBody","<pre>"+ s+"</pre>");
        } else  pd.SetValue("MainBody", "Creation time: " + fsi.CreationTime.ToString() + "<br/>Last Access Time: " + fsi.LastAccessTime.ToString());
        return pd;
    protected override string GetPageType(string Key)
        return "[Public] Standard page";

It takes a “rootFolder” from web.config, and shows all files and folders below that. As a unique key it uses the path to the folder/file – and it simply uses the filename without extension as a PageName.

If a file is a .txt file, the contents will be put into the MainBody property – otherwise some basic file/directory info like creation time and last access time is shown there.

This version doesn’t support modifying or changing files – but it would be relatively easy to implement. Web.config has these registration lines:

    <add name="File" type="EPiServer.Templates.PageProvider.FileProvider,EPiServer.Templates.Public" entryPoint="28" rootFolder="d:\temp"/>

And of course the NETWORK_SERVICE user has read access to that part of my harddisk.



EPiServer Profile Page Provider

Another idea I had was to use the EPiServerProfiles to create “User Profile pages”. Now, that’s also fairly easy:

public class ProfileProvider : MappedPageProvider
     protected override List<string> GetRootChildren()
         List<string> l = new List<string>();
         foreach (MembershipUser u in Membership.GetAllUsers())
         return l;
     protected override List<string> GetChildren(string Key)
         return new List<string>();
     protected override void SetCacheSettings(PageData page, CacheSettings cacheSettings)
         base.SetCacheSettings(page, cacheSettings);
         cacheSettings.CancelCaching = true;
     protected override EPiServer.Core.PageData GetPage(string Key)
         PageData pd = new PageData();
         EPiServerProfile ep=EPiServerProfile.Get(Key);
         base.InitializePageData(pd, Key, ep.DisplayName, null);
         SetPageStatus(pd, VersionStatus.Published);
         pd.SetValue("MainBody", ep.Email);
         return pd;
     protected override string GetPageType(string Key)
         return "[Public] Standard page";

This time, we only have one level to worry about – the root. I suppose I could have organized the profiles based on their roles – but anyway – this is a 5 min demo.

Unique key is the username. MainBody is set to the users email address – but could be any setting stored in the profile. Web.config registration is so plain and simple that there’s no reason to show it here.

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